Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Lesbian Continuum

So What I got out of Richs piece  was that women are heterosexual beings, unless they are deemed otherwise. women are also Suppressed by men in society which in turn they are repulsed by men and turn lesbian. Rich states, " lesbian is simply her acting out in bitterness towards men".  From looking up this topic on google I found examples of what rich is saying are suppressing acts towards women. " Forcing male sexuality upon women: rape, incest, torture, a constant message that men are better, and superior in society to women." In riches article it talks about domestic violence because a larger and larger issue. The number of incidence is sky rocketing. This just more and more suppresses a women. another example is "Cramp women’s creativeness: male seen as more assimilated in society (they can participate more, culturally more important". This is seen so much in society, religious political , and social leaders are depicted as male figures. men are taken more seriously because of this pre notation that they have the ability to lead. I think that rich trying to say that heterosexuality also equals power in our society.But revolt becaus they know they have just as much strength.
 Being heterosexual in this world is the norm and the lesbians of society are just living in it. I just recently noticed TV ads, shows, movies, advertisements, gays and lesbians being brought into the picture, as a way of bringing them into society to became more accustomed to it so instead of being more of a shock to society it becomes much more of a norm. I tried my best to untangle riches words. I'm sure in class discussion it will become even more clear.


  1. I don't get a chance to watch much TV because I work full time and go to school full time but I look forward to seeing these commercials. I was just as confused by her writing. Class should clear it all for us. See you tomorrow

  2. When i was reading this piece i found it really hard to understand, but your blog helped it make a little more sense to me!

  3. I agree with Amanda. That piece was very challenging and hard to understand, but you seemed to get it great and explained it nicely.
