On the today show today They had a story about a boy, Jamie Rodemeyer. He posted a lot of YouTube videos about how "it gets better". He talked a lot about bullying and being gay.
He was constantly made fun of for it to the point where he felt completely worthless. people would tell him that he is better off dead, and none one would care if he died. His strong words in his videos were stronger than what he was able to be. He ended up killing him self at the age of 14. Lady Gaga was one of his biggest idols and referenced her many times. she even dedicated a song to him after his dead. Gaga met with president Obama also to talk about making bullying Illegal. At the homecoming ,dance Jamie's Sister went to after his death, when Gaga came on the bullies chanted once again that he is better off dead . That is just disgusting at this point it made me sick to my stomach. You just drove someone to commit suicide and you are actually proud of it? I think this relates to the class, because segregating people just because they are different than you is not okay, just because someone is gay does not make you better than them in ANY WAY. Jamies parents still Carry out the message that "it gets better" and this poor by can rest in peace knowing that he did make a difference.
Wow... That's insane... :(