On the today show today They had a story about a boy, Jamie Rodemeyer. He posted a lot of YouTube videos about how "it gets better". He talked a lot about bullying and being gay.
He was constantly made fun of for it to the point where he felt completely worthless. people would tell him that he is better off dead, and none one would care if he died. His strong words in his videos were stronger than what he was able to be. He ended up killing him self at the age of 14. Lady Gaga was one of his biggest idols and referenced her many times. she even dedicated a song to him after his dead. Gaga met with president Obama also to talk about making bullying Illegal. At the homecoming ,dance Jamie's Sister went to after his death, when Gaga came on the bullies chanted once again that he is better off dead . That is just disgusting at this point it made me sick to my stomach. You just drove someone to commit suicide and you are actually proud of it? I think this relates to the class, because segregating people just because they are different than you is not okay, just because someone is gay does not make you better than them in ANY WAY. Jamies parents still Carry out the message that "it gets better" and this poor by can rest in peace knowing that he did make a difference.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Economic Justice as a Feminist Issue- Argument
I read on the Center for Working Class Studies website first about just what was "working class studies". I agree with the author " Center for Working Class Studies "that class separates who we are and completely shapes our lives. If you grow up in the upper middle class vs. the lower middle class, you life and your opportunities i believe don't even compare. If you as a someone at the lower end of the lower middle class, are extremely motivated, have set goals, and are willing to work your but off to get what you want , you just may be able to achieve what a much less goal oriented and much less driven to succeed person would be able to easily achieve. The working class is a very large group. I don't think that the article is saying that there's anything wrong with being working class, its just that some people chose to ignore the fact that they are a part of that, or that there even is a social class at all. That is the main point I feel that the author is trying to make, that there is a lot of different people that make up this working blue collar group.
"By making the working class more visible, we help working-class people gain respect.This is huge for me because my first two jobs have been a part of the working class. It's tough to gain respect because i feel like people look down at you like just because your serving them food, of doing something for them, that you are there temporary servant.
I think that the working class suffers from economics inequality which turns into a feminist issue. I also read in another article That "Women have unequal access to economic resources, such as capital, credit, labour and land, and limited opportunities for employment and career advancement which restricts their ability to improve their economic situation. " Women have a more difficult time getting jobs I think because people in general don't take them as seriously. If that wasn't the case since the beginning of time, why is it then that there still has yet to be a women president. Technically there is a better chance for a women to be president because there is more women in the world than there are men. I think that society formed an image about women being poor decision makers, and too emotional to take control.
" In American society, class divisions generate public policies that allow the "haves" to get more while the"have nots" keep falling further behind" This is true on the economic level. The people that have more money gain more money, and high status leads to higher status. Men and women i believe both suffer from this. But it is our original roots that put us in this predicament Its almost like you are genetically wired to be a have or a have not. It is what you are born into. There I agree also with the author when he says that "there is much diversity to these groups". If we looked into the numbers of races and gender to see what really consist of these economic groups, i think it would help to understand why it is important to realize that there are separations, and they shouldn't just be pushed behind a curtain. Its easier to draw ignorance on what class you are in or why he or she belongs to a certain class, but its time to start asking questions, because it we don't inequality will become inevitable.
I playied around with the People like us website too. The game was interesting. I guess I somewhat agreeed with what it said. It said that my definition of social class is by the things that I buy. Whcih I can see to be somewhat too. but just casue you have something doesnt nessicailly mea that you can afford it !! Also I found a question that was interesting "how do income, family background, education, attitudes, aspirations, and even appearance mark someone as a member of a particular social class?"
These are all interconnected. One affect the other. At one point you become realistic after thinking all your life your are going to become an astronaunt and your are growing up in a poor family that cant afford to send you to a college, and your resources to excelle are limited, your dreams and aspirations are probably going to change. Depending on the class you are from you suffer from oppression in one form or another from it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Oral History For The Qualitative Researcher
Interviewing is clearly a process. You want to try to get in depth as possible, all while trying to let the interview flow naturally as well. You are essentially trying to form a story about a person, diverging from a set of questions that you are asking them.
Oral history has been around for so many years. "Oral history grew out of oral tradition". Now a days we have all types of technology to record and replay the stories that are being told. years and years ago they didn't have that they had to rely solely on word of mouth. one quote that stood out to me was, "Oral history is a collection of stories and reminiscences of a person or persons who have firsthand knowledge of any number of experiences." This is what I thought of when I interviewed my Mem. I used her first hand experience growing up during the depression, and raising seven children in the 1950's and 1960's to gain knowledge from her point of view. The article defiantly let me see how there are many ways to get the background of a person and really get in depth to their past.
Another thing in the article that stood out to me was, "A sense of history forces us to make sense of who we are." I learned so much about my Mem that I never knew. It makes so much sense to me now, why she is the way that she is. Past experiences and background all added together makes us who we are.
Oral history has been around for so many years. "Oral history grew out of oral tradition". Now a days we have all types of technology to record and replay the stories that are being told. years and years ago they didn't have that they had to rely solely on word of mouth. one quote that stood out to me was, "Oral history is a collection of stories and reminiscences of a person or persons who have firsthand knowledge of any number of experiences." This is what I thought of when I interviewed my Mem. I used her first hand experience growing up during the depression, and raising seven children in the 1950's and 1960's to gain knowledge from her point of view. The article defiantly let me see how there are many ways to get the background of a person and really get in depth to their past.
Another thing in the article that stood out to me was, "A sense of history forces us to make sense of who we are." I learned so much about my Mem that I never knew. It makes so much sense to me now, why she is the way that she is. Past experiences and background all added together makes us who we are.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Oppression- hyperlinks
In the article by Marilyn Fyre she talks about the word "oppression" and how it can be over used. I agree that the term is over used.She says that "it is tough to be masculine". It is really tough to be either feminine pr masculine. there are standards to be met for each sex. One is brought up to hide feelings, one is brought up to express. One is brought up to play with trucks the other with dolls. But if one trait overlaps the other in some certain human being does that make us any less masculine or any less feminine. In it of itself, both sexes have their own set of difficulties to overcome, and expectations to be met.
Something that I could relate to in high school especially, that was mentioned in this article was about the pressure of young teens to be sexually active. To be prude or not to be prude. In the article she talks about how either way you are screwed. Whether you chose to have sexual partners or you choose to stay a virgin you will be harassed. Unless you are apart of the group that can "do no wrong", and get away socially with everything. There is so much pressure in high school not only from the boys but from the girls too. You see all of them doing it, but if you dare to follow in their path you will forever be gossipped about throughout the halls. "You can't win you are caught in a bind, caught between systematically related pressures." This can lead to something very severe. Girls don't always know how to deal with this constant criticism and harassment. it can often lead to depression and suicide. I inserted a link about a girl that was so severely harassed, that at just 15 years old killed herself Harassment that lead to death.
I believe that this article relates to the idea of oppression because the Phoebe, was so pressured from looks to sexual activities, etc. that she took her own life. It is so sad and it happens way too often. It states in this article that
"The harassment that day, by one male and two females, "appears to have been motivated by the group's displeasure with Phoebe's brief dating relationship with a male student that had ended six weeks earlier," she said." She was harassed by not only girls but boys too. Because of their ''Displeasure" with a relationship she had with This is just one example of how social peers so strongly affect us.And how we all feel that if our expectations as a male or female are not met, we have failed, and are hopeless. We need to speak up and find our voice, and not let other dictate who we should or should not be!
Something that I could relate to in high school especially, that was mentioned in this article was about the pressure of young teens to be sexually active. To be prude or not to be prude. In the article she talks about how either way you are screwed. Whether you chose to have sexual partners or you choose to stay a virgin you will be harassed. Unless you are apart of the group that can "do no wrong", and get away socially with everything. There is so much pressure in high school not only from the boys but from the girls too. You see all of them doing it, but if you dare to follow in their path you will forever be gossipped about throughout the halls. "You can't win you are caught in a bind, caught between systematically related pressures." This can lead to something very severe. Girls don't always know how to deal with this constant criticism and harassment. it can often lead to depression and suicide. I inserted a link about a girl that was so severely harassed, that at just 15 years old killed herself Harassment that lead to death.
I believe that this article relates to the idea of oppression because the Phoebe, was so pressured from looks to sexual activities, etc. that she took her own life. It is so sad and it happens way too often. It states in this article that
"The harassment that day, by one male and two females, "appears to have been motivated by the group's displeasure with Phoebe's brief dating relationship with a male student that had ended six weeks earlier," she said." She was harassed by not only girls but boys too. Because of their ''Displeasure" with a relationship she had with This is just one example of how social peers so strongly affect us.And how we all feel that if our expectations as a male or female are not met, we have failed, and are hopeless. We need to speak up and find our voice, and not let other dictate who we should or should not be!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The F-word... Quotes
I really enjoyed reading "A Tsunami in History". I think the title in itself represents a change that was massive, but much destruction had to have occurred to got to this unrecognizable state compared to where it had begun. A quote from the beginning of this essay that I think ties in the destruction made is "Before women achieved their goal, many suffered for the cause- some were jailed, fined and endured hunger strikes-..." And through the generations the author describes each unique struggle women went through. I think that The author did a good job breaking down the generations into "waves", or cycles of how the movement slowly evolved. Women began with hardly any rights at all. I feel that each generation had a goal for what they strive to attain. The first was gaining the right, or the privilege to vote, but more deeply to obtain a voice, Instead of having the men speak for them. Taxes and literacy test were created to weed out the "lower class" voters. This also separated out people of different races. Equal Opportunities were no where to be found. I believe this was formed to weaken the group of women. The less there were, the more vulnerable, and easily attacked. Once the women attained a voice, it was now time to attain their freedom. Women around the 1950's were stereotypically the stay at home mother. " It took another wave to break through the barriers that confined many to 'womens work' which at the time included a quite narrow job selection". At this time jobs were limited that women were "allowed' to do and they didn't pay much either. Many women so badly wanted to expand their horizons. Women are always in the home taking care of the family, they do not have a chance to earn their own money and expand their freedom. This was a time of struggle between being a home-maker to a money maker. Also at this time women of color were less acknowledged. "Many allege that the second wave represented mainly the concerns of middle and upper class white women issues and did not focus on the voices and many of the issues of women of color..." This means that they had even more minority hurdles to over come and they were battling apart from white women. Finally, in the last wave the struggle for a title. To be able to boast yourself up in the world and gain the same job title that a man has and gain it with equal opportunity. This is not only true between men and women but also between different races, and classes in society. We are still struggling today with this. Gender and racial segregation still is an issue today. As they say in the finale wave, " The glass ceiling has only cracked..." this mean that there is still work that needs to be done to fully overcome in equality and equal opportunity.We are a part of the Forth wave.
In Fear of feminism the author is attempting to explain why women are afraid of feminism, and that there is reason behind that. I think that to stand out against majority or crowd about anything is a scary thing to do. The more voices you have doing that the louder you’ll be heard. But before you go around doing so you need to know what you are talking about and what your getting yourself into. There is a fear of male violence. In the article they state, “-itself a recognition that it could happen to me.” Women need to not be in denial about this. Do not allow yourself to become vulnerable. Be aware! Young women do not like to imagine this because they don’t think it may happen to them but it so easily could. But allowing yourself to think about it can help prevent it from really happening. Another quote that supports this is …sexual harassment and date rape on campuses all over the country, still insist on believing that women’s equality has been achieved.” This is something that is a serious issue. The system need to change. Also the fact that men trying to over power women is being reiterated in this article. I think this article is taking everything shown in the previous article about gaining a voice, and is now showing us how to use it!
In Fear of feminism the author is attempting to explain why women are afraid of feminism, and that there is reason behind that. I think that to stand out against majority or crowd about anything is a scary thing to do. The more voices you have doing that the louder you’ll be heard. But before you go around doing so you need to know what you are talking about and what your getting yourself into. There is a fear of male violence. In the article they state, “-itself a recognition that it could happen to me.” Women need to not be in denial about this. Do not allow yourself to become vulnerable. Be aware! Young women do not like to imagine this because they don’t think it may happen to them but it so easily could. But allowing yourself to think about it can help prevent it from really happening. Another quote that supports this is …sexual harassment and date rape on campuses all over the country, still insist on believing that women’s equality has been achieved.” This is something that is a serious issue. The system need to change. Also the fact that men trying to over power women is being reiterated in this article. I think this article is taking everything shown in the previous article about gaining a voice, and is now showing us how to use it!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hi Everyone I'm Sydney. This is my first year at RIC. I like it alot so far, minus parking prior to noon. I'm going for Radiology. I plan to start the program probably next June. I'm really excited about it. When the program is over my ultimate goal is to get my degree somewhere in Radiation Theapy. So I will probably graduate in 2014-ish.
I Just started working at David's Bridal this summer. Knock on wood so far I love it! I'ts been a lot of fun. Who doesn't like looking at wedding dresses all day!? (haha) I enjoy it so it's a good thing. I am just starting to also Volunteer at Hasbro Childrens Hopstial about once a week. I love being around kiddies and helping out. So my schedule right now is kinda busy. In my free time I like to be outside, biking, hiking, walking. Hang out with friends, shop, get dinner ect. and just be around people I love!!
I Just started working at David's Bridal this summer. Knock on wood so far I love it! I'ts been a lot of fun. Who doesn't like looking at wedding dresses all day!? (haha) I enjoy it so it's a good thing. I am just starting to also Volunteer at Hasbro Childrens Hopstial about once a week. I love being around kiddies and helping out. So my schedule right now is kinda busy. In my free time I like to be outside, biking, hiking, walking. Hang out with friends, shop, get dinner ect. and just be around people I love!!
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